代表社員 メルセデス・ベンツ・キャピタル・インベストメンツ・ビーブイ
職務執行者 社長 兼 CEO ゲルティンガー 剛
メルセデス・コール 0120-190-610 (※営業時間 / 8時~20時365日 年中無休)
※ システムメンテナンス等によりサービスを休止する場合があります。あらかじめご了承下さい。
b.メルセデス・ベンツ社:Mercedes-Benz AG
c.メルセデス・ベンツ グループ社:Mercedes-Benz Group AG
d.メルセデス・ベンツ グループ会社:メルセデス・ベンツ社並びにメルセデス・ベンツ社の親会社・子会社及び関係会社
本人の人種、信条、社会的身分、病歴、犯罪 の経歴、犯罪により害を被った事実その他本人に対する不当な差別、偏見その他の不利益 が生じないようにその取扱いに特に配慮を要するものとして政令で定める記述等が含まれる個人情報です。
個人情報データベース等を構成する個人情報のことです。 個人情報データベース等とは、特定の個人情報を検索できるように体系的にまとめられたものを指します。
メルセデス・ベンツ日本合同会社(以下「MBJ」とします。)、メルセデス・ベンツ・ファイナンス株式会社(以下「MBF」とします。)、メルセデス・ベンツグループ社/Mercedes-Benz Group AG(以下「MBGAG」とします。)、メルセデス・ベンツ社/Mercedes-Benz AG(以下「MBAG」とします。)、メルセデス・ベンツモビリティ社/Mercedes-Benz MobilityAG(以下「MBM」とします。)及び Mercedes pay GmbH(以下「Mpay」とします。)は、以下のとおり個人情報を共同利用することがあります。
1. 共同して利用される個人情報の項目
1) お客様の情報
2) 取引先情報
3) 従業員等の情報
a. 氏名、従業員番号、住所、所属、役職等といった従業員等に関する基本情報
b. 家族の氏名、婚姻状況等といった従業員等の家族に関する情報
c. 従業員等の資格、人事評価・考課、異動、学歴、職歴等といった人事に関する情報
d. 基本給、諸手当、退職手当、企業年金、人件費等といった給与に関する情報
e. 福利厚生の利用状況等といった福利厚生に関する情報
f. 従業員等の顔画像
g. その他、人事・経営管理上取得・保有する従業員等の個人情報
4) 車両情報
5) マーケティング関連情報
6) 契約情報
2. 利用する者の利用目的
MBJ、MBF、MBGAG、MBAG、MBM 及び Mpay は、MBJ が公表するプライバシーポリシー(https://www.mercedes-benz.co.jp/passengercars/content-pool/tool-pages/legal/privacy-statement.html)の「4. 個人情報の利用目的」に規定する目的の他、下記の利用目的で、本書の「1. 共同して利用される個人情報の項目」に記載する情報を共同利用します。
1) お客様の利用行動を統計処理し、分析(AIによる分析を含みます。)することで、ウェブサイトの利便性を向上させるため。
2) お客様の個人情報に関する設定を行い、お客様の情報を利用及び分析(AI による分析を含みます。)し、お客様の嗜好に合わせたサービスを提供するため。
3) 取引先情報を統計処理し、分析(AI による分析を含みます。)することで、取引先との取引を円滑化し、若しくは利便性を向上させるため、又はシステム若しくはサービスを提供するため。
4) 各種設定、統計又は分析(AI による分析を含みます。)によって、メルセデス・ベンツグループ内でシステム又はサービスの利便性を向上させるため。
5) 各種設定、統計又は分析(AI による分析を含みます。)により、お客様又は取引先にとっての利便性を向上させるため。
6) 従業員等の情報は、下記の利用目的で利用します。
a. 業務連絡、業務管理、施設管理等
b. 採用、所属決定、能力開発、人事評価、表彰・懲戒、人事異動、勤務管理、その他の人事関連管理業務の企画及び実施
c. 給与・賞与の支払、福利厚生等の企画・実施、経理事務、安全・健康管理等の企画・実施
d. 税務管理・社会保険管理等の企画及び実施
e. 内部・外部監査の企画及び実施
f. 事業活動の推進に関連して、従業員等の個人情報を統計処理・分析(AIによる分析を含みます。)・活用して、人材戦略を支える人材を発掘し、配置し、育成するため
g. 前各号に記載する目的を達成するため、共同して利用する者に、従業員等の個人情報を提供するため
3. 共同して利用する者の範囲
• Mpay
4. 個人データの管理について責任を有する者(以下「管理責任者」とします。)の会社名、所在地及び代表者は、下記のとおりとします。
• 会社名:メルセデス・ベンツ日本合同会社
• 所在地:千葉県千葉市美浜区中瀬二丁目6番地1
• 代表者:
職務執行者:社長兼最高経営役員(CEO)ゲルティンガー 剛
本書の「2. 利用する者の利用目的」の 2)に記載する目的で使用する場合には、MBAG が管理責任者となります。
・会社名:Mercedes-Benz AG
・所在地:Mercedesstr. 120 70372 Stuttgart, Germany
・代表者:Gesina Schwengers, Head of Omni-Channel Commerce
5. 本書の「1. 共同して利用される個人情報の項目」の 6)に記載された個人情報の項目を使用する場合には、MBF が管理責任者となります。
・所在地:〒261-7108 千葉県千葉市美浜区中瀬二丁目6番地1
・代表者:代表取締役 社長 アンドレアス・レーア
MBM 及び Mpay の連絡窓口は、MBF となります。
当社は、次に定める場合に、当社の正規販売店及びメルセデス・ベンツ グループ会社その他の第三者にお客さまの個人データを提供させていただくことがあります。
3)当社は、セクション4に定める利用目的を達成するために必要がある場合に、お客さまの個人データを、当社の正規販売店及びメルセデス・ベンツ グループ会社に提供します。
お客さまが、当社に対して、個人情報保護法に基づき、当社の保有個人データの開示・利用目的通知・訂正・利用停止等をご請求の場合は、 当社所定の書式(下記ご参照)をご使用の上、当社まで必要書類と共に送付してください。なお、開示および利用目的通知請求につきましては、下記所定用紙に記載の手数料を事前にお支払いただきますので、予めご了承ください。また、開示のご請求については、原則として、電磁的記録の提供の方法により開示いたします。
1. 開示請求書
2. 訂正等請求書
3. 利用停止等請求書
4. 利用目的通知請求書
請求書の書式をダウンロードするにはAcrobat Readerが必要です。お持ちでない方は下記の「Adobe Readerのダウンロード」から入手して下さい。
Adobe Readerのダウンロード
メルセデス・コール 0120-190-610
(営業時間 / 8時~20時365日 年中無休 ※ システムメンテナンス等によりサービスを休止する場合があります。あらかじめご了承下さい。)
3)クッキーの使用は、お客さまがお使いのウェブブラウザの設定によっても異なります(例:Microsoft Edge、Google Chrome、Apple Safari、Mozilla Firefox)。ほとんどのウェブブラウザは、特定の種類のクッキーを自動的に受け入れるように事前設定されていますが、通常この設定は変更することができます。お客さまは、保存されているクッキーをいつでも削除することができます。Web/DOMストレージとローカル共有オブジェクトは、個別に削除することができます。
メルセデス・ベンツ社が提供する「セントラル・レジストレーション・サービス」により、お客さまは、当該サービスに接続されているメルセデス・ベンツ グループ会社及びそのブランドに帰属するすべてのウェブサイト及びアプリケーションに登録することができます。適用される利用規約には、各ウェブサイト及びアプリケーションのデータ保護規定が含まれます。当該利用規約は、各ウェブサイト及びアプリケーションの登録ページ等で確認することができます。
For our English version of the Privacy Policy, click here.
Mercedes-Benz Japan G.K. Privacy Policy
Business Operator Handling Personal Information:
Mercedes-Benz Japan G.K.
Representative Member Mercedes-Benz Capital Investments B.V.
Executive Officer, President and CEO Go Goeltinger
2-6-1 Nakase, Mihama-ku, Chiba-city, Chiba-prefecture
English Customer Desk (Toll Free) 0120-009-927 (Business hours: 8AM-8PM /365 days)
*The service may be suspended due to system maintenance, etc. We appreciate your understanding in advance.
Thank you for visiting our Company’s website and for your interest in the products our Company offers. Protecting our customers’ Personal Information is one of the most important tasks for our Company. This Privacy Policy explains how our Company handles customers’ Personal Information as follows.
Our Company may revise this Privacy Policy from time to time, and any revisions will be notified on our Company website, etc.
1. Definitions
2. Protection of Personal Information
3. Customer choice
4. Purpose of Use of Personal Information
5. Personal Information to be Collected
6. Handling of Special Care-required Personal Information
7. Joint Use
8. Disclosure and Provision to Third Parties and Outsourcing of Business
9. Request for Disclosure, etc. regarding the Handling of Personal Information
10. Cookies
11. Others
1. Definitions
1) Business Operator Handling Personal Information:
a. Our Company: Mercedes-Benz Japan G.K.
b. Mercedes-Benz: Mercedes-Benz AG
c. Mercedes-Benz Group: Mercedes-Benz Group AG
d. Mercedes-Benz Group Companies: Mercedes-Benz and Mercedes-Benz’s parent company, subsidiaries, and affiliates
e. Authorized Dealer: A company that enters into a distribution agreement with our Company and sells Mercedes-Benz products (products manufactured or sold by Mercedes-Benz; hereinafter the same) under such agreement
2) Personal Information:
Personal information as defined in Article 2, Paragraph 1 of the Act on the Protection of Personal Information (hereinafter referred to as the "Personal Information Protection Act"). In other words, information about a living individual that falls under any of the following.
• Information that can identify a specific individual or that can be easily collated with other information and thereby identify a specific individual.
• Information that contains an individual identification code.
3) Special Care-required Personal Information:
Personal Information that includes the person's race, creed, social status, medical history, criminal history, the fact of having been a victim of a crime, or any other descriptions, etc. specified by Cabinet Order as requiring special care in the handling of such information so as not to cause unfair discrimination, prejudice, or other disadvantage to the person.
4) Personal Data:
Personal Information constituting a personal information database, etc. A personal information database, etc. is a collection of information systematically arranged in such a way that specific Personal Information can be searched for.
5) Retained Personal Data:
Personal Data that the Business Operator Handling Personal Information has the authority to disclose, correct, add to or delete, discontinue its use, erase, and discontinue its provision to a third party. However, such data specified by Cabinet Order as data that harms public or other interests by making its existence or non-existence known is excluded.
6) Cookies:
Technically, there are HTML cookies and similar software tools (so-called "Flash cookies"), such as Web/DOM storage and local shared objects, which our Company refers to as Cookies collectively.
2. Protection of Personal Information
Our Company will take technical and organizational security measures to protect customer information managed by our Company from alteration, loss, destruction or unauthorized access. Our Company continues to improve its security measures as technology advances.
3. Customer choice
Customers are not legally or contractually obligated to provide their Personal Information. However, the use of some functions of our Company website may be subject to the provision of Personal Information. If a customer does not provide Personal Information, the customer may not be able to use these functions or may need to use them with limited functions.
4. Purpose of Use of Personal Information
We use the Personal Information provided by customers within the scope of the purposes of use specified below.
1) To respond to requests and inquiries from customers
2) To conduct transactions between our Company and customers smoothly
3) To provide after-sales services for Mercedes-Benz products purchased and to respond to customer requests
4) By utilizing and/or analyzing (including analyzing by AI) the obtained Information, to provide information by sending printed materials, telephone calls, e-mail, SNS (social networking service), SMS (short message service), visits, DMs, Online advertising, as well as dispatching information magazines concerning functions of our products and services and our Company, etc. in relation to promotions, product and service information, events, etc. with respect to our Company’s automobile sales business and ancillary services such as automobile loans and leases
5) To conduct questionnaire surveys for marketing activities such as the planning and development of products and services, consumer trend surveys, customer satisfaction surveys, etc. relating to our Company’s automobile sales business and ancillary services
6) By utilizing and/or analyzing (including analyzing by AI) the obtained Information, to send printed materials, and for telephone calls, e-mails, SNS(social networking service), SMS (short message service), visits, DMs, Online advertising, functions of our products and services etc., concerning our Company's regular inspections, after-sales services, such as automobile inspections and insurance policy expiration, etc., and to provide information on our Company
7) To prepare internal statistical data of our Company (age composition, gender composition, etc.)
8) To ensure customer convenience and to protect our Company’s IT systems from attack and other fraud
9) To use for any purpose incidental to any of the foregoing items
5. Personal Information to be Collected
1) Each time a customer accesses our Company's website, our Company will collect and store the following information.
• Specific information about the browser and operating system
• Access date and time
• Interaction status (example: whether the customer could access the website or received an error message)
• Use of functions on the website
• Search phrase entered
• Frequency of access to individual websites
• Name of the file accessed
• Amount of data transferred
• Web page from which the website was accessed
• A web page visited (by clicking on a link on our Company website or by entering a domain directly in the entry field of the tab (or window) of the same browser as that on which our Company website is open) after visiting the website
2) Other Personal Information
Our Company will obtain and store other Personal Information when provided by customers, etc. as part of their registration, contact form, chat, research, price competition, or to enter into a contract or for our Company to provide products or services to customers.
6. Handling of Special Care-required Personal Information
Our Company will not acquire Special Care-required Personal Information without obtaining the prior consent of the person unless permitted by laws and regulations, etc.
Please refer to the following file for joint use.
7. Joint Use
Mercedes-Benz Japan G.K.(hereinafter referred to as "MBJ"), Mercedes-Benz Finance Co.,Ltd.(hereinafter referred to as "MBF"), Mercedes-Benz Group AG(hereinafter referred to as "MBGAG"), Mercedes-Benz AG(hereinafter referred to as "MBAG"), Mercedes-BenzMobility AG(hereinafter referred to as "MBM") and Mercedes pay GmbH(hereinafter referred to as "Mpay") may use personal information jointly as follows:
1. Items of personal information to be used jointly
1) Customer Information
Customers’ name, address, country, postal code, e-mail address,telephone number(home/mobile), occupation, date of birth, age, gender,place of work, family name, information obtained for marketing purposes,information relating to the use of the system or service provided from us,information necessary to provide the system or service to customers and other information to identify the individual and information necessary to achieve the purpose of use
2) Business Partner Information
Business partners’ name and name of person in charge, location, e-mail address, telephone number(work/mobile), usernames and user IDs(for the use of the system or service provided from us), transaction certificates,information relating to the use of the system or service provided from us,information necessary to provide the system or service to business partners, and other information necessary for transactions with business partners(including provision of the system or service)
3) Employees Information
“Employees” include, but not limited to, employees, executive officers, contract employees, part-timers, seconded employees and trainees.
a. Basic information: names, employee numbers, addresses, post/position,company department, title and so forth
b. Family information: family members’ names, marital status, dependency status and so forth
c. Personnel affairs: qualifications, personnel evaluation/performance review, transfers, educational backgrounds, job history,commendation/disciplinary action and so forth
d. Salary: basic salary, allowances, retirement allowance, corporate pension,individual personnel expenses and so forth
e. Benefit/welfare program: status of utilization of employee benefit program or services and so forth
f.Profile shots of employees
g.Other personal information of the employees acquired and retained for human resources and management purposes
4)Vehicle Information
Vehicle identification number, vehicle type/model information, date of purchase, number of vehicles owned, service/warranty history, preference service information, and other information related to the vehicle.
5)Marketing-related information
Cookie-ID,web behavior history data, web server log files, clickstream data, geolocation data, transaction history, website/app behavior data,and other information obtained for marketing purposes.
6)Contract Information
The date of application, the date of the contract, the name and information of the product that was the subject of the application or contract, and other information related to the details of the transaction regarding the application or contract for credit, lease, rental car, insurance,etc.(hereinafter collectively referred to as the "transaction")
2.Purpose of use of joint users
MBJ, MBF, MBGAG, MBAG, MBM, and Mpay will jointly use the items of personal information described in “1. Items of personal information to be used jointly” for the following purposes in addition to “4. Purpose of Use of Personal Information"described in the Privacy Policy(https://www.mercedes-benz.co.jp/passengercars/content-pool/tool-pages/legal/privacy-statement-en.html)published by MBJ.
1)To improve the convenience of the website by statistically processing and analyzing(including AI analyses)customer usage behavior
2)To provide settings related to your personal information, to use and analyze(including AI analyses)your information, and to provide services tailored to your preferences.
3)To facilitate transactions with business partners or improve convenience, or to provide systems or services by statistically processing and analyzing(including AI analyses)business partner information.
4)To improve the convenience of systems or services within the Mercedes-BenzGroup through various settings, statistics or analyses(including AI analyses).
5)To improve convenience for customers or business partners through various settings, statistics, or analyses(including AI-based analysis)
6)Employees’Information will be used for the following purposes:
a.To implement business communication, business management,facility management and so forth;
b.To plan and implement employment, job assignment, competency development, personnel evaluation, commendation/disciplinary action, personnel transfers/reassignment, work management, other human resources related management items;
c.To plan and implement salary/bonus payment, benefit/welfare program, accounting, security and health care programs and so forth;
d.To plan and implement tax/social insurance administration and so forth;
e.To plan and implement internal/external audit; and
f.In connection with the promotion of business activities, to discover,deploy and develop human resources to support the human resources strategy of Mercedes-Benz Group by statistically processing,analyzing(including AI analyses)and utilizing the personal information of employees.
3.Scope of joint users
• Mpay
4.Name of the person responsible for the management of the personal data(hereinafter referred to as the "administrator"), or the company name location and the name of representative of the administrator are:
• Company Name:Mercedes-Benz Japan G.K.
• Location:2-6-1 Nakase, Mihama-ku, Chiba-city, Chiba-prefecture
• Representative:
・Representative Member:Mercedes-Benz Capital Investments B.V.
・Executive Officer:President and CEO Go Goeltinger
If used for the purpose described in the above 2)of “2 Purpose of use of joint users”,MBAG will be the administrator.
・Company Name:Mercedes-Benz AG
・Location:Mercedesstr. 120 70372 Stuttgart, Germany
・Representative:Gesina Schwengers, Head of Omni-Channel Commerce
5.If used for the Items of personal information described in the above 6)of "1 Items of personal information to be used jointly”, MBF will be the administrator.
・Company Name:Mercedes-Benz Finance Co., Ltd.
・Location:Nakase 2-6-1 Nakase, Mihama-ku, Chiba-city, Chiba-prefecture
・Representative:President Andreas Lehr
MBF will take in charge of contact support on behalf of MBM and Mpay.
8. Disclosure and Provision to Third Parties and Outsourcing of Business
Our Company may provide Personal Data of customers to the Authorized Dealers of our Company, Mercedes-Benz Group Companies and other third parties in the following cases.
1) Our Company will provide Personal Data of customers to affiliates and outsourcees (meaning third parties to whom our Company’s business is outsourced; hereinafter the same) such as server management companies in addition to EU member states and the UK, the United States, Mexico, India, Singapore, the Philippines, Malaysia and other foreign countries.
a. System of recipient country: Links to public materials of the Personal Information Protection Commission
b. Security control measures of recipients: Our Company provides Personal Information to foreign recipients after concluding an agreement with the foreign recipients that requires the foreign recipients to take measures consistent with the intent of the provisions of Chapter 4, Sections 1 and 2 of the Personal Information Protection Act. The agreement stipulates that foreign recipients shall handle Personal Data within the specified purpose of use, that the recipients shall take necessary and appropriate security control measures, and that the provision of Personal Data to third parties is prohibited.
2) In addition to 1) of this Article, our Company entrusts the handling of Personal Data to an outsourcee to the extent necessary for achieving the purpose of use specified in Section 4. The outsourcee shall not use such Personal Data for any purpose other than the outsourced business.
3) Our Company provides Personal Data of customers to the Authorized Dealers of our Company and Mercedes-Benz Group Companies in cases necessary for achieving the purpose of use specified in Section 4.
4) Our Company will not provide Personal Data of customers to any third party without the prior consent of the customers, except in the case of joint use as set forth in Section 7 and except as set forth in 1), 2) and 3) of this Article. However, Personal Data may be provided to a third party without the consent of the customer if such provision is permitted under domestic or foreign laws and regulations, such as when it is required to protect human life, body or property and it is difficult to obtain the consent of the customer.
9. Request for Disclosure, etc. regarding the Handling of Personal Information
If a customer requests disclosure, notification of the purpose of use, correction, suspension of use, etc. of the Retained Personal Data of our Company in accordance with the Personal Information Protection Act, such customer should use the form prescribed by our Company (see below) and send it to our Company together with the necessary documents. Please note in advance that for requests for disclosure and notification of the purpose of use, the fee indicated in the following prescribed form shall be paid in advance. In principle, as to requests for disclosure, information will be disclosed through the provision of electromagnetic records.
Please refer to the notes of each request form for details such as the method for making the request.
1. Request Form for Disclosure
2. Request Form for Correction, etc.
3. Request Form for Suspension of Use, etc.
4. Request Form for Notification of Purpose of Use
Acrobat Reader is required to download request forms. If you do not have it, please download it from "Download Adobe Reader" below.
Download Adobe Reader
Contact Point of our Company for Inquiries:
2-6-1 Nakase, Mihama-ku, Chiba-city, Chiba-prefecture
Mercedes-Benz Japan G.K.
English Customer Desk (Toll Free) 0120-009-927
(Business hours: 8AM-8PM /365 days *The service may be suspended due to system maintenance, etc. We appreciate your understanding in advance.)
10. Cookies
Cookies may be used when customers visit our Company website.
1) Cookies are small files that are stored on a customer's desktop, laptop, or mobile device while the customer accesses the website. By using Cookies, it becomes possible, for example, to confirm if there is already a connection between the device and the website, to take into account the customer’s preferred language and other settings, to provide the customer with certain features (example: online shop, vehicle configurator), or to identify interests based on the customer’s use. Cookies may contain Personal Information.
2) Whether Cookies are used and which cookies are used when a customer accesses our Company website depends on which areas and features of our Company website the customer uses and whether the customer consents, on our Company's consent management system, to the use of Cookies that are not technically necessary. Click here for the cookie settings.
3) The use of Cookies also differs depending on the customer’s web browser settings (examples: Microsoft Edge, Google Chrome, Apple Safari, Mozilla Firefox). Most web browsers are preconfigured to automatically accept certain types of Cookies, but customers can usually change this setting. Customers may delete the stored Cookies at any time. Web/DOM storage and local shared objects can be deleted separately.
4) The acceptance and refusal or deletion of Cookies is linked to the device and web browser used. If a customer uses multiple devices or web browsers, the customer may make different decisions or settings for each.
5) If a customer decides not to use Cookies or to delete Cookies, the customer may not be able to access all features of our Company website, or individual functions may be restricted.
11. Others
1) Mercedes-Benz Central Registration Service
Through the “Central Registration Service” provided by Mercedes-Benz, customers can register with all websites and applications of Mercedes-Benz Group Companies and their brands that are connected to the service. The applicable Terms of Use include the data protection provisions of each website and application. These Terms of Use may be confirmed on the registration page, etc. of each website and application.
In addition to Mercedes-Benz Japan Privacy Policy, please refer to Mercedes-Benz Group AG/Privacy Statement and Mercedes-Benz Finance Co., Ltd./Privacy Policy
Established on April 1, 2005
Revised on April 1, 2006
Revised on November 1, 2007
Revised on April 1, 2010
Revised on March 14, 2017
Revised on August 9, 2017
Revised on June 8, 2019
Revised on March 1, 2022
Revised on June 24, 2022
Revised on January 1, 2024
Revised on February 29, 2024
Revised on April 1, 2024
Revised on August 22, 2024
Revised on September 1, 2024